Saturday, January 10, 2009

Catch up...

It's been a while since our last post, but for good reason. We went back to MI and Ohio for a few weeks and when we returned Nick went to the Rose Bowl and then went to a rehearsal dinner and wedding for our friends (Rolland and Alison, Nick was in the wedding). It's been busy, busy busy around here. This post may seem a bit scattered as we have lots to catch up on.

For starters, Brady is now eating solid foods quite regularly and loves all the Gerber finger food snacks. His favorites are the veggie puffs. He's getting really good at grabbing the food, but we're still working on getting it into the mouth when it's the little items, large items look out because you're about to be slobbered on. It's interesting watching him eat, he'll eat with his left hand and do fine motor movements with his left hand, but when he grabs large objects and bangs them (like his sippy cup) he uses his right hand.

Speaking of sippy cups, he's really getting the hang of that as well. We've started giving him more juice and water and he seems to enjoy eating the cups more than drinking out of them, but he'll get the hang of it soon.

He also has two teeth through (on the bottom) and we are waiting for two more (his top two). Teething has not been the most pleasurable experience, but we'll get through it. He's been a little fussy, sick and in pain, but all babies go through it, right.

Brady also experienced his first snow and sled ride in Michigan. My parents were fortunate enough to have about 45 inches of snow on the ground while we there. I haven't seen snow like that in years. It was so much fun to see his reaction to the cold. We also took a family sledding trip down the steps to the crick. Brady was doing really well getting used to sledding until the dog ran out and dusted him with snow...then it was all over.

He had a great time with his grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles. He is quite the social bug. It was so much fun to have him and Jack together again. They are both at the exploring age and had a great time with one another. There was a lot of kissing, hair pulling, screaming and laughing at each other. I can't wait until next Christmas!!!!!

I'm sure there is a lot more that I'm forgetting to write, but this should do for now. I hope you enjoy the photos. The first round is from Christmas morning at Grandma and Grandpa Lehman's house.

He got so many gifts, but his favorites were the boxes and the wrapping paper, go figure!

Riding the firetruck with grandpa!

Cousin Jack "Frost" opening his gifts!

The boys on their first Christmas!

Brady opening his first gift, he's so excited.

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