Thursday, August 27, 2009

Tooth Update

We found out on Tuesday that we're pretty sure Brady's tooth is safe. The dentist said that the tooth looks like it's getting stronger, but it still may turn color. So we're hoping we're in the clear. We have to wash his teeth with gauze each day and floss...which means holding the Bman down, but maybe he'll get used to it. We have to keep an eye for infection and take him back in six months for a cleaning and for a check-up. All in all it was great news. No more puffy lip and the gums are looking pink again. So glad.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Candids with mom

Brady and I were goofing around the other day and took some fun shots of each other. It was cute, he was laughing hysterically as I was taking them. He's so much fun right now, I love this age! :-)

Words Words Words

After reading our friends blog, I realized we hadn't done an update in a long time on Brady's vocab. As many of you have heard, he is quite the babbler, not always saying real words, but the mouth never stops. Whether it's a noise, word, or screaming it doesn't stop. It's pretty funny now though to just watch him when he speaks as he first mouths the words without a noise and you can just see the wheels turning on how to spit it out. These are the words we can make out and he says on a regular basis, and then he has a whole repertoire of words that i have NO clue what they mean. The words must mean something to him as he repeats them constantly. Also, Nick and I are realizing we are at the point where we must watch everything we say as Brady is repeating stuff. Mostly sounds right now, but he repeats it immediately after we say it so I know we're in trouble. Mom and Dad each have their choice phrases that we don't exactly want Brady repeating to the neighbors...he already said the "s" word once and in the correct context, so we'll leave that off the list of his words for now :-).

What's that (at's that with a finger point)
turtle (tutul)
Elmo (Emmo)
yogurt (gogurt)
nu night
juice (ooce)
book (same here Laci, can't get the K sounds like buh)
gama (he said this a few times while my mom was out here, too cute)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Social Networking

Very interesting video on social networking. It puts a lot of things into perspective.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Toys Toys and MORE Toys

Brady and I thought it would be fun to empty a lot of his toys out...bad idea, but lots of fun! Then when all the toys were out all he wanted to do was play in the empty toy boxes, go figure! :-)

The Climber

Brady is such a climber now, using his monkey legs to get up on all kinds of things. The most recent feat was using his new Elmo sofa/bed to climb on top of the coffee table. Here are photos of the new couch and his conquest.

My mom and dad...

are the best. Thank you guys so much for everything. It was so much fun having you out here this month. Can't wait til December (I hope). Here is a really cool photo of them at the San Diego Zoo. You guys are so cute, Happy Anniversary! Also happy anniversary this month to both my sisters and their hubbies, Nate and Chaya and my cousin Josh and Margeux. Love you all.

Finger Paints

Brady and I were finger painting today and oddly enough he chose green and white to paint with and started to rub it all over his body. I think he's trying to train for the Spartan games when he's older. Here's a few of the photos and then the aftermath in the bathtub...I still haven't cleaned it, waiting for tonight as that's not going to be much fun :-).

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Nick and I finally experienced what it was like to have a full nights sleep last night. Brady slept from 8:00 am to 5:30 pm. It was amazing. Of course I didn't sleep the whole time as I was in disbelief, but I did sleep for about four hours straight. Best sleep I've had in a long time. I think it's because I have finally stopped nursing, it's been almost two weeks now and the little man is eating solid foods all the time. I bet he's put on two pounds in the past two weeks at least. He has his Buddha belly back and it's adorable. Nick and I are hoping for the same, but not holding our breathe.

Code Brown

It happened again last night, we had another "code brown" (thanks Marriott for letting me barrow the term). This is the second time this had's so nasty. We had to scoop Brady up and finish cleaning him in the kitchen sink and then had to bleach his toys and the tub. So gross.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Emergency Visit

Poor Brady had a little accident over the weekend and went to the urgent care for the first time for an injury as opposed to a sickness. Something tells me the way this boy is this was the first of many injury trips. He was running at Aunt Mindy's house and took a nasty fall on her tile and knocked his front left tooth loose, cut his lower lip and banged his head. Blood was gushing out and he was a hot mess. We took him to the dentist today to check on the tooth and his black and blue gums and got some discouraging news, we might have to have his tooth pulled. This means Brady may be a toothless wonder until his permanent adult teeth come in. We're trying to be cautious and feed him only mooshy food until we find out the status. We have to watch it for the next two weeks and will know then what the deal is. Poor little man. He was in quite a bit a pain, but that kid is one tough cookie. Will keep you updated.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Do you eat dirt?

Brady's Baptism

Brady was baptized at Christ of the Desert Church on Saturday, August 1st. It was a private ceremony with Nick, Brady, my mom and dad, my sisters (Nicki and Mindy) their husbands, Russ and Chris, my nephew Jack and Father Marlin. We asked Nicki and Russ to be the Godparents. It was a wonderful ceremony, short and to the point. Brady wasn't the happiest baby during, but he got over it. Here are some of the family photos after.