Monday, September 14, 2009

I Gottah a Fever and I need More Cowbell.

Is there ever a wrong time for more cowbell. I haven't seen this in a while and found it and thought I'd share...

Driving with daddy

Brady is now obsessed with driving the car. Any chance he gets to sit in the front seat and turn the wheel he does. Today I met Nick at the front of our gate with Brady and we let Brady drive home. He was so excited and proud, he actually steered the car for about 50 feet or so. It was so cute to see how happy he was to be at the wheel. We almost hit the curb a couple of times, but it was worth it to see the joy on his face. Afterwards Nick sat in our parking spot for a few minutes to let Bman play. Here's a snippet of him rocking out to some tunes and "driving".


One of Brady's new favorite words is Tur...Tle. He makes a distinct point to sound out both T's. It's hilarious. He had a lot of fun playing with these turtles, the snake aka "doggy" and he also enjoyed trying to climb his way into the fountain.

Checking out the turtles behind.

Almost got it, i think I can make it in.

More Hotel Photos...Water Time

The resort has some amazing pools with all kinds of water features. At first Brady didn't know what to think, but then he got into it. So much so you can even see his mullet...yes he has a mullet.

A couple of weeks ago our AC went out in the house and Nick's work was nice enough to let us stay at his resort for a good price. We were there for 5 nights. Not even kidding, the room was about 400 sqft larger than our condo. So needless to say it was an amazing place to stay and we were thankful for Marriott taking such great care of us. However, the place was not baby-proof at all. Brady loved pulling out all the drawers and crawling inside them. He even got to the point where he was using them as steps. I told Nick he should send one to his GM in a thank you card!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Bad day for college ball.

Today was not a good day for college football. State lost to Central, OSU lost to USC and MI is now 2-0. The worst part is going to be listening to all those pompous UoM fans gloating. Come it was just Notre Dame.

Spartan or Buckeye

Today I had Brady in his Michigan State T-shirt with Sparty on it and Brady kept saying what's that...I told him who he was and then asked Brady are you a Spartan like mommy or a Buckeye like daddy. He didn't even pause he looked at me and said "Daddy." I'm taking that to mean he might be partial to the Buckeyes, especially since he carries around his football that plays their fight song and says go bucks. I need to find some new State gear and soon. State needs all the help they can get.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Weird Sky

Last night there was a storm moving in and made the clouds in the sky do some interesting things. Nick and I have never seen them do this before. By sunset the sky was freaky orange purple...we still didn't get the rain though, just the humidity.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Are you ready for some football...

Nick and I are so ready for football to start. Watching the kick-off tonight for college football and getting excited for the upcoming NFL games. Praying the Colts do better this year. Come on Manning, make me proud :-)

The Final Countdown...

My sister Mindy is preggers and the final countdown for delivery has officially begun. She is due on September 25th and I'll be making the trek to San Diego to be with her and Chris for the delivery. I'm getting very excited to meet my nephew or niece...yes, that's right I still have no idea if she's having a boy or a girl because she refuses to find out. I think she's nuts for not wanting to know, but to each his own i guess. I just can't wait to meet the little one and then have all three cousins together at Christmas. By Christmas we should have 7 total new additions to the Lehman family. It's hard to believe in less than two years there are now seven more great grand children. I guess once one starts it's a domino effect. No domino effect for Nick and I though for a while. I think we're waiting on the second one. I'll update once he or she arrives with all the good details.


For those of you that know and those that don't, my nephew Jack has been ill for quite some time now and we think the doctors are close to a diagnosis. It's not the best diagnosis, but it's something. He has to go into the hospital next week for a liver biopsy and CT scan, please keep him and my sister and her hubby in your prayers. Hopefully the docs are wrong and this is an easy fix. I'm a firm believer in the power of positive thinking so even if praying isn't your thing, please send positive and warm thoughts their way. Here are some recent photos of Jack and Brady together.

Your eyes aren't playing tricks on you, Jack locked Brady in the dog kennel

There first "charcoal" tub together.