Saturday, July 17, 2010

A Day of Firsts

Yesterday marked a few firsts for the Bman, the first time he went on the big boy potty unsolicited all by himself and the first time he got a hair cut at a barbershop/hair salon. We were totally surprised by his behavior on both accounts.

The potty story...we took his diaper off to let him air out his diaper rash and so we was running around the house naked...I decided to get in the shower and while I was in there I heard something and I looked out and there B was, peeing on the toilet. His excitement after was hilarious. We got him a new potty book that talks about being proud in the end so right after he said I'm so proud. It was adorable. Because he did such a great job, we decided to start potty training today and so far we've been really successful. He hasn't had a diaper on all day and has gone to the potty every 15 minutes with only two small accidents. He even went number two!!! Tomorrow we're going to bump the time to maybe every 20 minutes in the afternoon and see how he does. He seems to really like his pull ups too. He wasn't too sure about big boy underpants, but he seems to like his pull ups.

The Haircut. We actually had to do some bribing and build up for the haircut, Nick and I were really worried. We told him if he was good getting his haircut he could go to chuck-e-cheese so of course he was all jazzed about it. He didn't cry and he only had a couple of times where he was really uncomfortable. The only part he didn't like was wearing the cape. When he was done and the stylist took the the cape off he said thank you so much for taking that off. If that was the worst part then I guess we're okay. As promised we took him to chuck-e-cheese and the mall to play so I think he got his reward!!!

All in all a great day, will keep you posted on the potty progress!