Thursday, June 18, 2009

First Birthday Portraits

It wasn't a fun experience, but here are the photos from Brady's One-year photo shoot...I think we'll do the next ones at home...there are a few more shots, but these are a few to share.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Living Desert Round Two

We took Brady to the Living Desert Zoo again and Dad came this time. Brady made it through the entire zoo this time without falling asleep and got to experience the petting zoo. He really liked the goats and again by being a fearless child went right up to the animals and started malling them.

Brady's First Birthday

Sorry it took a while to get these up, here are some photos of the first birthday and the destruction of the Elmo cupcake cake.

A first for us...

This is story I will tell and one day Brady will be so embarrassed that I did. The other night while in the bathtub, Brady got the urge to go and go he did. Before I could grab a towel I heard a rumble in the tub, saw some bubbles and then out came, you guessed it, a big pooh. It was gross and hilarious all at the same time. To make things better he gave me the uh oh face. Luckily he only had two toys in the tub that fell victim to the "Spalding" incident to all my Caddy Shack fans.

Update Time...

Where to even begin...for starters, our baby boy is one. Can you believe a year has gone by, where did the time go. He is so full of life, happy, talkative, curious, and unfortunately, or fortunately for some cases, a fearless child. The thing that amazes me most is how smart he is. I know all parents think their child is smart, but he really is. It's amazing watching his little wheels turn. He can now say quack, dog, duck, mama, dada, baa, moo, one, and points and says "ats at" or "what's that". He recognizes words and directions now too...for example if you tell him to bring you the "Oops" or "Dog" book he knows which ones to bring you. My favorite thing he recently learned is "What happened". He lifts both hands up in the air and shrugs his shoulders and gets the cutes uh oh face. I love it. There are more things he says, but it's hard to put them down. We are just having so much fun with the little explorer right now.

The thing that isn't so much for mom at least, is the fearlessness of this child. This is most evident when at the pool. He is now to the point where he is diving off the steps and into dad's arms. He loves to go underwater and is holding his breathe. He's also getting the hang of kicking his legs and arms. It's truly an amazing thing for us to watch and not too mention hilarious. I can't wait until he goes into a lake or non-heated pool for the first time, we'll see just how fearless he is :-).