Sunday, March 21, 2010

"We go to Chruch"

I haven't taken Brady to church in a while because let's face it, that boy can't sit still for more than 30 seconds unless he's watching Dora or Barney, but I've been wanting to go so I finally swallowed my pride and sanity and took him with me. I started the morning off with a trip to the park hoping that would run him down before sitting for 45 minutes and we talked and talked about going to church and being quiet. He was very excited to go, until we got there. He did okay for the first 5-10 minutes drinking his juice and sitting on my lap, but then he wanted down so I let him down to read and color...then he started saying quite loudly, I color the wall, so we quickly put the crayons away. Then we got out the fruit snack because Brady saw it in my purse and started to yell snack snack so i gave it him. That kept him quiet for about two minutes and then it was back to the floor to color and play with his animals he brought. One of his favorite things to do is to name each one and "how they go". So he proceeds to do so in a not so quiet voice. Meanwhile some are laughing at him, sorry are giving dirty looks and others you can tell are trying to ignore him and listed to father, but just can't do it. The worst or most embarrassing moment for me, however, was when he was sitting on the floor and farts. It never fails every time this boy farts he looks at me and says "did you poop" so of course sticking to his routine, he farts, looks at me and repeatedly says did you poop. It was about five minutes after that when he started to yell...we go buh bye over and over again that we made a polite exit out the door. i love the church, but I'm wondering if I need to switch to a church that has a cry room and a nursery for him to visit, because today was a disaster, maybe if I had someone else with me it wouldn't be bad, but by myself again is not recommended. At least it was funny despite my embarrassment :-)

Friday, March 19, 2010

Randall Trail

The wildflowers are out in full bloom, such a gorgeous trail.

Random Brady...He's always up to something.

Watching TV upside down is his latest thing.

Not too often do we experience this, Brady being calm.

Goofball on the patio eating breakfast.

He got stuck in his shirt.

Ethan and Brady

Ethan was kind enought to let Brady use his chair.

Ethan came to visit Brady the other day and they got along much better this time than the previous encounter. Too cute.

White Water Canyon Reserve Trail

Can you see both frogs in this picture?

Last weekend we took on two trails, the White Water Canyon Trail and the Randall trail. The Canyon trail we did with Min and Chris and Ethan. Unfortunately it was extremely windy and we weren't properly dressed and were freezing (freezing by socal standards, not MI :-)). It was a different kind of trail from what we're used to, but fun and scenic all the same.

Hummus Photos

I know I already posted these on Facebook, but I had to post them on here. Have you ever seen a kid enjoy hummus so much, too funny! It's by far one of his favorite things. He even dunked his french fry in it the other day. Mix the good with the bad, I guess.