Saturday, September 20, 2008

Go State!!

I think someone likes their MSU outfit more than their OSU outfit, big smiles. When we put Brady in his OSU outfit he peed on his socks, spit-up on his onesie, and then pooped all over his onesie. Funny, he's been in his MSU outfit all day with no issues and State beat Notre Dame!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Mom's 1st Day Back to Work

Today was my first day back to work and Brady's first day at daycare. It was also the longest he's been without Nick or I around. I have to admit it was mentally stimulating to be back at work as I've been out for over 3 months, but I really missed the little guy. They highly encourage breast feeding during the day so I get to visit him at lunch time and feed him. He didn't sleep much as he loves to be held, but he did great with his primary care person Miss Crystal. I think once we get into a routine things will get a lot easier. I'm glad I'm only going back for four days a week, it's a good transition more for mom than Brady for the first year. After that he'll want nothing to do with me and all to do with his friends I'm sure. All in all though it was a good day and I'm hoping the rest of the week goes just as smooth.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Environmental Pitch

Hey all, this is a great site with information on how we can all do our part.

Congrats to Adam and Ashley

Nick's brother Adam and his girlfriend Ashley found out yesterday they are having a baby boy. Another Enders boy soon to come! Brady is going to have so much fun with boy cousins on both sides. We're so happy for you guys and can't wait to meet the little guy.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Brady and Jack

When we were in Michigan and Ohio the boys had some photos taken. I just got them back last week, here's a couple of their photos. Jack was 4 months and Brady 2. I can't wait until Christmas when their both a little more mobile, that session should be interesting. During this session one was crying while the other content, one sleeping the other wide awake, one pooping and one fussing. It was quite the experience, but a fun one! Can't wait for the next one Chubb!!!!

More Daddy Time

Dad came home from hunting and was greeted with kisses!

Daddy and Brady

Nick and Brady love to sit and chat back and forth here's some photos of their conversation. Brady is quite the talker these days!

Brady Three Months Old!

It's hard to believe the little man is already 3 months old. I took him to his final Loving Support adventure yesterday and he weighed in at 15.04lbs. I still can't believe how fast he is growing. He doesn't fit into his 0-3 month clothes anymore and barely fits into his 3 months. I had to put him in 3-6 pants to keep from cutting of his big Buddha belly. He's still a little cutie pie though! Hope you enjoy the pics!!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Brady's latest feat...

Last night Brady slept in his crib for the first time. He has been sleeping in a bassinet in our room since he was born, but the other night he kept hitting and scratching the walls when he would stretch out his hands. We decided since none of us were getting any sleep it was time to head to the other room. He did really well, he actually seemed to like it. He really didn't fuss when we put him down and he soothed himself to sleep. I peaked my head in shortly after he fell asleep and the little bugger had rolled over on his side. I guess he was ready for the change more than we were. He did wake up at 1, 4 and 6:30 for his feedings. We're trying to get him to go longer without eating, but little man is just always hungry. Hopefully we'll get him to sleep for at least four hours in his new room. If any of you have suggestions, we're open to them.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Brady's New Toy

Since Brady's favorite thing is to stand up and bounce around Nick and I decided to get Brady a jumperoo/play station. We went with the Baby Einstein Center since he loves his Baby Einstein play mat so much. He's just a smidge small for it, but when he gets it going, he absolutely loves it. He's even figured out how to play with some of the toys. I think it's safe to say with the addition of this toy we no longer have a living room and it is now Brady's house :-).

Friday, September 5, 2008

The First Round of Shots!!!!

Today Brady had his first round of immunizations (outside of the ones given right after birth). They were supposed to be when he turned two months old, but with our vacation we are now running a little behind (Bman turns 3 months old this Tuesday). Unfortunately Dad had to work today so mom had the pleasure of witnessing her little man get stabbed. After watching the circumcision I thought I could handle the shots, but not so much. I hate to see the little guy in pain. We started off the appointment really well. Brad y got weighed in at 14 lbs 12 oz and measured 24.5 inches. The doc said he is in the 95% for both height and weight and if we extrapolated his height he's going to be as tall as daddy (keeping fingers crossed for this once since I'm a midget). Doc said he also has a great temperament and is easily adjustable to situations, I'm thinking thank God since I have to go back to work next week. He even smiled when the doc stuck the stick in his mouth. He did so well and then the nurse came in with the needles and oral vaccines. He had three shots, two in one leg and one in the other. He screamed after the first and really started to cry after the second one. Luckily he calmed down and was out for the count shortly thereafter. He slept all afternoon and I'm keeping him on Tylenol to try and fend off and any fevers, keep your fingers crossed.